Dakini Day Practice, Feb 5 2024

Join us for our

Dakini Day Practice

In person or via Zoom

Monday, February 5, 2024

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CST

Dear Sangha Members,

Please join us for our Tsog offering on Dakini Day, the auspicious 25th day of the Tibetan lunar month, Monday, February 5, 2024, from 7 PM – 9:00 PM CST. The sadhana for this Tsog practice is Shower of Blessings. Offering Tsog on this day is a powerful way to accumulate merit and wisdom, purify karmic obscurations, and repair samaya.

Feel free to bring snacks, drinks, flowers, and candles as offerings, or donations for accumulating merit. If you do, please bring the offering at least half an hour prior to the start of the practice so as to allow ample time for arranging offerings.

If you are joining on Zoom, feel free to prepare your own Tsog offering on your altar, and then bless it with “Om Ah Hung” three times while sprinkling a few drops of clean water on it.


Meeting ID: 819 719 1570

Password: 446617
English Texts – Palri Pema Öd Ling

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@palri.org Thanks!

Warmest Regards, PPOL Austin

Palri Pema Öd Ling is entirely dependent on the kindness and generosity of people whose voluntary donations enable the center to pay for utilities, temple repairs & projects and also support our dharma events. 奥斯汀白玉中心的运转完全仰赖您的随喜供养和慷慨护持。
